“Graced For This” mentorship program was created for women who are called to influence, leadership, and ministry.
During our 1.1 or group sessions, you have the opportunity to connect with me in a more personal way and receive the support you need to identity, embrace, and embody God’s grace in your life to fulfill your own calling.
We do this through prayer, Spirit-Led conversation, Biblical Teaching, and more!
“Graced For This” mentorship program was created for women who are called to influence, leadership, and ministry.
During our 1.1 or group sessions, you have the opportunity to connect with me in a more personal way and receive the support you need to identity, embrace, and embody God’s grace in your life to fulfill your own calling.
We do this through prayer, Spirit-Led conversation, Biblical Teaching, and more!
Our sessions will always be saturated with prayer inviting God to govern and guide our time together through His supernatural power.
When we invite God into our time together with prayer, we create a sacred space where he can speak through us. It is in that space that we get direct guidance from Him.
The Bible is my primary textbook and source of information in all sessions. Other books and resources may be cited from time to time as well.
I always do my best to make room for questions and answers and my email will also be provided for those questions that come up between sessions.
Be informed about upcoming 1.1 and group mentoring opportunities by filling out the following form.