Original Dr. Grace TV Program

Original Dr. Grace TV Program


Watch “Dr. Grace” on ATT U-Verse Channel 99, and Comcast Cable Channel 19 in Nashville, TN, and 19 Surrounding Middle Tennessee, USA Counties 4 times a week.

Sunday at 9:00 AM CST, Monday at 3:30 PM, Wednesday at 10:00 PM, and Thursday at 10:30 PM. You will also be able to watch on-demand 24/7 worldwide on our, YouTubeand Spotify.


Would you like to be a guest on The Dr. Grace Show. Fill out this form to introduce yourself and share how you think your story, teaching, or topic could offer inspiration, hope, and wisdom to the Dr. Grace Show audience. 

A Local Church Changing Nations Bishop Joel and prophetesS SHALETHA SANDERS ON THE DR. GRACE SHOW

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